anshan libang compressor co., ltd.-麻将胡了模拟器

anshan libang compressor co., ltd.
notice of environmental protection of relevant parties
date of publication:2021-6-29 16:14:17      publisher:anshan libang compressor co., ltd.

notice of environmental protection of relevant parties

in order to strengthen the management of anshan libang compressor co., ltd. in terms of environmental protection, and to realize the continuous improvement of environmental protection, energy conservation and emission reduction and pollution prevention, the following requirements are put forward for all relevant parties:

1. all parties involved in all activities in the company's area must comply with this notice;

2. the relevant parties shall abide by the national and local environmental protection laws and regulations, comply with the environmental protection system of the company, and must obey the supervision and inspection of the management personnel;

3. in the area of the company, the relevant parties shall meet the national and local discharge standards when operating, take necessary measures to minimize the pollution discharge and timely and properly dispose the waste;

4. in the area of the company, the relevant party shall keep the dangerous goods properly, take preventive measures to prevent accidents during storage, transportation and use, and avoid environmental pollution and production accidents;

5. in the area of the company, the relevant parties shall not occupy the green area, destroy the greening seedlings, damage the environmental protection facilities, and discard rubbish and sundries at will during the operation;

6. in the transportation of materials, the relevant parties shall complete the procedures, the vehicle condition is good, the exhaust gas is qualified, the vehicle logo is clear, and the problem of leakage pollution shall be strictly eliminated;

7. the relevant parties who do not meet the requirements will put forward rectification opinions. if the rectification is not in conformity or refuses to be rectified, the company will take appropriate measures to reduce the impact on the environment.

we hereby inform you of the above matters and hope that all parties concerned will support and cooperate.

anshan libang compressor co., ltd

may 18, 2020
